Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Prop 8

If you haven't heard already, Chief US District Judge Vaughn Walker overturned Prop 8 today. Honestly, this isn't an issue that I feel terribly strong about. I voted for it and was pleased that it passed. But I would rather have had Prop 4 (Abortion Waiting Period and Parental Notification Initiative) pass and Prop 8 fail if I had to choose. Anyway, I'm really just not sure how to feel about what happened today with the overturning of Prop 8. My initial reaction was outrage. My thought was, 'So much for democracy!' The idea that I voted with the majority and that it was overturned by a judge who is himself gay and therefore I feel too biased to make that kind of decision just sits wrong with me. I really kind of feel that the government has given itself too much power here and ignored the will of the people which is what government should truly reflect. HOWEVER, the people are not always right. While I believe that in this case, they were right, that is not always the case. Hence my confusion on how to feel. The United States is NOT a Christian country. As much as I would like to live in a place that is governed and occupied by people who share my Christian values, I don't. And honestly, if I step back and look at the issue from a non-Christian standpoint, then it would seem that the judge made the right decision here. I can't expect non-Christians to act like Christians because they're just not. If the Holy Spirit is not in their lives, convicting them of their wrong-doing (and yes, I believe that homo-sexuality is wrong. The bible states this clearly in Leviticus 18:22 saying "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." as well as in other places especially concerning Sodom & Gomorrah) then I can't expect them to know that it is wrong. With that in mind maybe this was the "right" decision? As a Christian though, this really just indicates to me the moral decay that our society is displaying.

Besides all this I just want to say that I really wonder how Jesus would respond to this. I believe that he would let it be known on no uncertain terms that it is NOT OKAY. But in the same breath he would let these people know just how very much he loves them. Homosexuality is a sin just the same as lying, stealing, adultery and the rest. And I know that God doesn't love the homosexual person any less then he does the person who "only" tells a lie here and there. And he doesn't love the liar more than he loves the murderer. Sin is sin in God's eyes. It ALL separates us from him. It doesn't matter what that sin is. Thank you Father God that you love ALL of us so much that you sent your son, Jesus, to die for us and pay the consequence for all our sins!

I really hope that the Christian community doesn't forget the love of Jesus as they react to this decision on gay marriage.