Monday, January 16, 2012

Presidential Race 2012 - Asking for answers

from Julie Kimani
to"Tiffany Briscoe, Boston Tea Party",
"Rocky Anderson, Justice Party",
"Peta Lindsay, Party of Socialism and Liberation",
"Stewart Alexander, Socialist Party USA",
"Robby Wells, Independent",
"Green Party",
"Libertarian Party",
"Prohibition Party",
"Reform Party"
dateMon, Jan 16, 2012 at 12:07 PM

Dear Presidential Candidate:

I am fed up with the Republican and Democratic political parties (especially since neither of them come close to representing what is important to me). I fully intend to vote third party this coming election. I am doing my research now, but am having some trouble finding your position on some or all of the following issues. If you would be so kind as to respond with your general positions and/or solutions for these issues. Of course the more information you can provide, the better. Please feel free to include links to a web page if this issue has already been addressed on your site.
  • Abortion
  • Death Penalty
  • Euthanasia
  • Poverty
  • Government Funded Faith Based Initiatives
  • Gun Control
  • Immigration
  • Education
  • Social Security
While there are certainly other issues that are of concern to me, these are my "deal-breakers" in the order of most importance.

Please note: I am also including in this email several political parties which have not yet chosen a candidate.
Also: I will be publishing this email in my blog to share with those who know me as well as all responses I receive.

Thank you in advance for your thoughtful responses.

Sincerely, Julie Kimani

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