Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tiffany Briscoe and the Boston Tea Party

fromTiffany Briscoe tbriscoe2012@gmail.com
toJulie Kimani
dateMon, Jan 16, 2012 at 5:01 PM
subjectRe: Inquiry

Dear Ms. Kimani,

I would like to first direct you to our campaign website, http://tiffanybriscoe2012.weebly.com/ which details Ms. Briscoe's positions on most of these issues. Now, we welcome your call for a third party in American politics, as we also believe one is necessary for the future of our nation.

When it comes to these specific issues, here are a few details of Tiffany Briscoe's positions and platform:
  • Abortion. Ms. Briscoe believes the federal government has no business whatsoever in promoting or prohibiting abortion. It is not a constitutionally enumerated power for the central government, and thus wants to end all federal funding of abortion-supporting clinics and organizations. What state and local governments decide to be as their law when it comes to abortion should be respected by Washington.
  • Death Penalty. Tiffany Briscoe is vehemently opposed to the use of the death penalty as a punishment by the government. Capital punishment is wrong as it allows the government to kill people despite the Eighth Amendment of the Bill of Rights. She thus wants to abolish the death penalty on a federal level, even when used by military courts. But she would not interfere with states setting up their own laws on the subject.
  • Euthanasia. Tiffany Briscoe believes this is an individual choice argument and thinks it should not be illegal on a federal level, as long as the patient requested such a treatment. But there again, it has not been a federal issue in the past and should not become one.
  • Poverty. Poverty has been a problem throughout history in virtually all societies. The difference we have noticed in the past few centuries is that the rise of capitalism and entrepreneurship with respect of private property has significantly decreased the poverty rate in the free world and raised the standards of living for the remaining poor. Poverty is not a problem that can be dealt with by redistributing wealth, but rather by allowing free markets and competition to lower prices to everyone and innovate at a faster pace. Ideally, the only thing the federal government should do is end all roadblocks for poor individuals to rise in society and this should be done by ending the war on drugs, minimum wage laws, and allowing an unregulated marketplace to prosper.
  • Faith-Based Initiatives. Because of the several restrictions put on faith-based initiatives under the Bush presidency, Ms. Briscoe does not see them to be a violation of the separation of Church and State. However, the constitutionality of the matter is still dubious as it provides subsidies to individuals, which is not prescribed in the Constitution. However, faith-based initiatives are a better tool than federal and state bureaucracies who mismanage funds way too often. But the ultimate goal of Ms. Briscoe is to end all welfare on a federal level.
  • Gun Control. The Constitution being clear on the matter, Ms. Briscoe wants to repeal all federal legislation regulating or prohibiting the carrying of firearms, from the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act to the National Firearms Act. Yet, the principle of federalism allows state and local governments to put their own regulations were their constitutions to allow such acts.

  • Social Security. Social Security has become an unbearable burden on future generations. Reform is needed as quickly as possible to avoid a possible bankruptcy of the system. But this requires firm conviction and agile handling of the situation. Tiffany Briscoe first wants to raise the eligibility age to 70 for both Medicare and Social Security. She would then end the entitlement of SS and only let those that have earned on average less than $150,000 per year benefit from the program. Third, Ms. Briscoe wants to repeal the 1983 amendments that prohibited state and local governments from opting out of the system, and would also allow all new workers to opt-out of Social Security to invest in private retirement accounts.
More is to be expected in Ms. Briscoe's book, Return to Freedom, which will be published by the end of this month.

P.S. Can you send us the article were you to write it about Tiffany Briscoe on your blog? It would be included on the campaign website.

Thanks again for your interest,
In Liberty,

Briscoe for America

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