Wednesday, March 4, 2009


My husband and I have been having a bit of a rough time lately. I won't go into details, but I expect that every couple goes through something similar at some point in their marriage. So today, I decided to get out our wedding vows. Some time back I had them printed and framed, but they never managed to make it to the wall. So tonight, I pulled out my pink girly toolkit and hung those vows over the couch! I'd like to share those with you.

Patrick’s Vows

Julie, I am very thankful that God has called you to be my companion and friend. Julie, you know that my desire is to love and serve the Lord throughout my life, and I know that this is your goal as well. I am privileged to take you as my wife today.

I commit myself to help and assist in seeing you become the woman God wants you to be. I promise to lead you through this world with diligence as God gives me wisdom. Most, of all Julie, I promise to continue loving you without reservations as no other man on earth could love you. By God’s grace and power, I will be faithful to you for the rest of my life.

I will seek to protect you and provide for you as Christ does the church. I will care for you and cherish you, always willing to place your interests before my own. I pray that God will enable me to live out these promises, even as He already has, so that Jesus Christ might be glorified. I love you Julie! I pray that you will find comfort in my arms all the rest of our days. 

Julie’s Vows

Patrick, I love you so much. I know that you are a gift from God and I am confident that He has led us to this day, as we become husband and wife. I promise by the grace of God to love you unconditionally. I have seen your love for God and I promise to support and trust your decisions and to submit to your leadership knowing you always seek God’s will.

I promise to be there for you, standing by your side in all kinds of sickness and health, whether we are rich or poor, in the good times and through whatever trials that might come our way. I promise to be worthy of your trust by being trustworthy. I will be faithful and true to you despite the uncertainties of the future. 
Finally I will support you in our ministry together as we seek to know God more intimately and make His name known and loved in the world.

Patrick, I love you and I am looking forward to my life by your side.

Our Vows to God

God we come to you this day promising:

  • To put Christ above all others, even each other.
  • To be a lantern through which your love shines for all to see.
  • To seek your will in all our decision-making.
  • To make time for you every day both together and separately.
  • To constantly strive to bear the fruits of Your Spirit which are: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.
  • To live our lives in service of You and make Your Name known in the world.
  • To keep our eyes focused on Christ and to never forget what You did for us on the cross.

Lord we love You and by Your grace and power, we trust that You will enable us to fulfill these vows.

On reviewing these vows, on my part at least, I don't believe that I have kept them either to Patrick or to God. I haven't always submitted to Patrick's leadership and I don't feel that I've loved him unconditionally either. As for my vows to God. I certainly haven't made time for Him every day and I know that my eyes haven't remained focused on Him.

The reason I write this tonight is because I need to pull up the reigns on my life and evaluate where I am coming up short. I need to live up to these vows that I have made. I pray to God that He will enable me to do so.  


  1. Julie that is awesome. They look so pretty and it is a nice little boost for your marriage I am sure.
