Sunday, April 5, 2009

The language of love

So, I just recently finished reading "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman. Patrick is reading through it now. Basically it talks about how we all speak different love languages
 and if we don't learn our partner's love language, then their "love tank" will eventually get empty and they won't feel loved. Based on what I learned, I believe that my love language is 'Quality Time'. I'm not really sure what Patrick's is yet. I suspect that it is 'Acts of Service'. I know that it is not 'Gift Giving'! Anyway, the reason that I write this is that I want to share how my husband put me on cloud nine yesterday with what I consider to be an amazing act of love! (Which led to a lot of house cleaning out of love on my part!)

Originally, we were going to go as a family to the La Habra Children's Museum. He now realizes that family time is really important to me, so he agreed to go with us to this event where he would help Mwende plant some flowers. Unfortunately, Mwende got sick. Her energy levels were just as high as ever, but she had a bit of a runny nose and a nasty cough. I didn't want any other kids to get infected, so I suggested we go for an easy hike. Patrick was all for it! So I got all excited and did some research and found a nice trail up in Chino Hills State Park. We finally managed to get out of the house by 2:00ish and spent a good 3 hours hiking. Mwende walked some of the way, but took more joy playing in the dirt.

Here is the real kicker that made me feel sooo loved. I later found out that the Final Four (college basketball tournament) was on tv while we were out hiking. Patrick is obsessed with college basketball. So the fact that he gave up watching his college basketball 'playoffs' to spend time with Mwende and I just blew me away! I feel so loved.


  1. That is an awesome book! It is basically the reason I decided to marry Jason. :) I thought mine was Quality Time, but it is definitely gifts ... especially the gift of time.

    Sounds like an awesome day! So special that hubby gave up one of his favorites to be there with you.

  2. Thats so cool Julie! Its amazing to see a hubby come out, to show his love in one way or another! I think that a family outing, like hiking, or anything where it is just the intimate time of Family, is the best!!! Im so happy for you and you guys are still in our prayers! Thank you so much for sharing with us!

  3. oh and you have a BEAUTIFUL Family, all of you have AMAZING smiles!
