Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I'm pregnant!

Hmm, how to start this one? I might as well start from the beginning. On April 3rd, I went for my annual OBGYN appointment. At this appointment I was told that I was pregnant. This was not expected at all, because not only had Patrick and I not been trying, but I had been having some issues to the point where I honestly didn't believe I could get pregnant again. So we were quite shocked (and very happy!). We decided to wait to tell until my parents and Patrick's mom were here in CA at the end of May. I had it all planned out. Mwende was going to come out from a nap in a "I'm the big sister" t-shirt or something to that effect. Needless to say, we didn't wait until then to tell. This past week has been very hard for me. I went to the Emergency Room on Thursday and Saturday for bleeding and cramping. Both times ultrasounds were done and they said that I hadn't miscarried yet, but I was likely to and to go home and rest. On Saturday and again on Monday, they drew blood to measure my HCG hormone levels. The reason being, in a healthy pregnancy these levels are expected to double in a 48 hour period. On Thursday, the levels were at 10,000. On Saturday, the levels were at 14,000. Not even close to having doubled. I saw the OBGYN today for followup and she explained to me that while it is certainly possible for a woman to have a healthy pregnancy with those results, it is rare. She did an ultrasound, telling me that with my hormone levels as they were, she didn't really expect to see any growth. (They had seen the yolk sac in the previous ultrasounds). But praise God in heaven, she did not see what she expected to! We were able to see the baby AND see its beating heart! When she measured it, it measured appropriately for 6 weeks 1 day, which is exactly where I am based on my estimated due date of December 8th. The doctor told me this is all very encouraging (she was actually quite surprised herself!) and that there is strong possibility that I will carry this baby to term normally. (Although of course she can't give any guarantees.) So, Jesus willing, Mwende will be a big sister in early December!

The reason I am sharing this with you so early is because I need your prayers. It comforts me to know that God is in control of all this. I have been praying like crazy and reading the Psalms for comfort. I am praying that His will, not mine be done. But I really really pray that in this case, His will is the same as mine. I am already crazy in love with this happy surprise of a baby and I do not want to lose him (or her)! So please share in our joy as we look forward to another baby in the house, but continue to keep this special little one's safety in your prayers.

(And the reason I am posting this on my blog is so that I can now freely blog about everything I'm feeling!)


  1. I am soooo excited for you. Praise God. We will be praying!

  2. How exciting Julie. Congrats!!!

  3. Yay!!!! I read it on Facebook, like, right after you posted, but jumped over here to make sure! Ha! I'm SO happy for you guys. You're covered in Maddie and my prayers!!

  4. I'm so happy for you and your family! This is such great news! I will keep you all in my prayers.

  5. WOW, Congratulations! This is amazing. Welcome to the #2 club. We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers!

  6. Congratulations to you and your family. I will keep you in my thought and prayers.

  7. how Fun Congrats! will be praying for you and the little one to be!
