Monday, October 5, 2009

Pregnancy update through 31 weeks

I'm guessing I'm about due to give an update on this pregnancy. It's really not that exciting, which is good! The second trimester treated me well. Other than ALOT of fatigue, it was easy sailing. I attributed the fatigue to being pregnant in combination with chasing a 2 year old around. However it turns out that I had iron deficiency anemia. So the doctor put me on an iron supplement a little over a week ago and the difference in my energy levels is amazing! Suddenly housework is getting done! Which makes my husband happy. ;) Other than that one complication, this pregnancy has been amazingly easy compared to Mwende's. She moves so much that I never have to worry about whether or not she is alive in there. In fact, it is such an easy pregnancy that I find myself forgetting that I am pregnant most of the time! Well, not forgetting, but not really thinking about it all that much. Which I think is creating a problem in the area of preparation. I haven't taken any childbirth classes or really done any preparation other than buying a new carseat. I still need to take a refresher class. (Going to try the Bradley method this time). I need to sort through Mwende's old baby clothes to see what is still usable and what I need to go get. Actually I suspect I will be surprised at how little is usable since Mwende was born in the heat of September and this one will be born in December. Even if we are in California! Oh yeah, I still need to transfer my medical records from Syracuse, NY. Seeing as how its been over a year since we moved here, I guess that is the epitomy of procrastination.

In other news, Patrick possibly has the opportunity to go work with teachers in Kenya at the beginning of the year! I am so excited for him to have this opportunity. I wish with all my heart that we could go with him, but with a newborn that just isn't possible. I also considered sending Mwende with him and having her stay with her Susu while Patrick is working, but I am selfish and want to be there for Mwende's first trip to Kenya. Based on this new information, we decided to go spend Christmas with my parents in New Mexico and I will stay there until Patrick returns from Kenya. So Patrick will fly to Kenya out of Albuquerque and then fly back in to drive us all home. I'm excited about getting to spend Christmas with my family again!

Speaking of driving, there is one more preparation we need to make for the new baby. We need to upgrade to a minivan! Haha. I guess that makes me officially grown up. Seeing as how I'm I mom now, I guess I'm okay with that. We're looking at either a Honda Odyssey or a Dodge Grand Caravan. Obviously we're hoping for the Honda Odyssey, but the trick is finding one we can afford.

I think that is all that's new with us. I'm sure I'm probably forgetting something, but oh well. Happy Autumn everyone!

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