Friday, July 31, 2009

pregnancy update through 22 weeks

So I've been reminded by a friend that I need to pay more attention to my blog! Haha. Anyyyyway, its high time that I blog a bit on how this pregnancy is going. Especially since I haven't said a word since actually announcing that I am pregnant.

This pregnancy has really flown by for me. The first trimester was hard on me. After the bleeding and threat of miscarriage finally stopped, the "vertical" sickness set in. Which I thanked God for all day long, because it is indicative of a healthy pregnancy. I don't really remember when I stopped feeling sick, but it wasn't the kind where you get nauseous, vomit and then feel moderately better until the next go around. Nope, this was just CONSTANT nausea without the relief of vomiting. I ended up losing 16 lbs before it finally passed. The doctor told me to eat whatever I want whenever I want. Most of the time I was just unable to eat much of anything at all. I still haven't put on any reasonable amount of weight, but at least I've stopped losing weight now. Fortunately for me, God in all His infinite wisdom sent my mother-in-law to take care of Mwende while I was sick. We flew her in from Kenya, East Africa to attend my husband's graduation ceremony and she was able to stay for 2 months. What a blessing! At some point she asked me what I would have done if she hadn't been here. I told her that I wasn't going to think of it, because God planned it all to work out like it did. I was very sad when my mother-in-law finally had to leave on July 1st. Mwende was even more sad than I and still asks for her 'Susu'. She lights up when she has the opportunity to talk to her Susu on the phone and likes to show whomever will look her photograph of her Susu.

Anyway, back to the pregnancy. I started feeling the baby at 12 weeks. I thought I was imagining it at first, but it just kept getting stronger and the doctor assured me that I wasn't crazy. On June 17th (I was 15 wks 5 days), a very kind mid-wife did an ultrasound during my regular monthly appointment so that my mother-in-law could see the baby. (She had never seen an ultrasound before). While the baby didn't move much, we did get to see and hear her heartbeat and observe her having the hiccups and swallowing amniotic fluid. After scanning the ultrasound photographs, I gave them to my mother-in-law to take home with her to Kenya. Oh, almost forgot! At this same appointment, the midwife told us that she was 70% sure that we were having a girl. Since it was still early for gender determination though, we decided to wait to tell anyone until it was confirmed at the official ultrasound on July 14th. Since my mother-in-law already knew though, I went ahead and told my mother. July 14th arrived and so did confirmation that we are having a girl! I am delighted that Mwende will be getting a baby sister. Especially since I'm pretty sure that means that I can talk Patrick into at least one more, since I absolutely HAVE to have a son at some point. All that much closer to my goal of 2 girls and 2 boys. ;)

We moved in the later part of July to an apartment that is cheaper, a bit bigger and closer to work. I was starting to get concerned, because after each long day of working to move us (but leaving all the heavy lifting to Patrick!) I was getting strong period-like cramps. As soon as I felt them I would drop everything and lay down to rest, but it still concerned me. Fortunately, God answered my prayers by increasing our baby girl's energy and allowing me to feel her even more often than usual. About three days ago, I started to think that I might be able to feel her with my hand lying on my stomach. I wasn't sure though. Then yesterday, for sure! Patrick wasn't home, so I called Mwende over and put her hand on my stomach and she was able to feel her sister kick! Now I have to say that Mwende didn't care much and was more interested in digging in my belly button chanting "baby! baby! baby!". But that's okay, it was still fun having her feel her sister. Then this morning Patrick got to feel her for the first time. He showed quite a bit more interest than Mwende did! That being said, the fact that I can feel this baby with my hand somehow makes it more of a reality for me. So now that the it is really sinking in, I am starting to get really excited about meeting her. I even watched TLC's "Baby Story" and "Birth Day" today. It made me shiver in anticipation as I remembered the feelings of going to the hospital to deliver Mwende.

On a side note, yes we have a name picked out for our baby girl. Her name won't be revealed though until she is born and we will introduce her to you all! I'm already calling her by name though, so I hope I don't slip up! Haha.


  1. OH PLEASE slip up while Im around! :o)

    I am so happy for you Julie! Feeling the baby is AMAZING, and that much more amazing when daddy and sister can feel the baby! I CANT WAIT!

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. So happy for you guys! I guess now that you have your two girls, you might just have to have boy twins the next time around! We did the same thing with the name thing for Codey and Jaden. I slipped up once with my sister Maureen when I was talking about Jaden kicking but I just kept talking and she never noticed! Ha! I'm sure the name must be beautiful to come close to comparing with the gorgeous Julie or Mwende. <3 Mel

  3. Yay, yay, yay for a blog update!! Thank you!!! :)

    I'm SO glad to hear all the news and how exciting that everyone can feel her moving around. That was always my favorite part of being pregnant. I'm just so excited for you guys and keep you in my prayers!
