Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Response from and to the Party for Socialism and Liberation

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 6:56 PM, <> wrote:
Dear Julie:
Could you explain how these issues are deal breakers? I would be happy to explain ourviews, but also see that they are on our site
John Daly

fromJulie Kimani
dateWed, Jan 18, 2012 at 8:02 AM
subjectRe: Inquiry

Hi John,

I'd be happy to. I hold to a consistent life ethic. For more on information on this you can check out this site: . I am a follower of Christ Jesus and as such believe that all human life from conception to natural death is valuable. Abortion is the MOST important issue to me because I feel like there are millions of human lives that have been denied a voice due to Roe v. Wade. The Death Penalty is also important to me because I feel that every human should be given every opportunity to be redeemed, no matter how horrendous their crimes. It should be God's decision to decide to end a life, not ours. Euthanasia, I struggle with a little because I hate to see anyone in pain. But again I feel that every moment of life is valuable. As far as poverty is concerned, I've experienced poverty first hand and know *some* of the struggles that these people experience. I've learned that there is more poverty in the US than in any other industrialized nation. I strongly feel that this is also a class of people that have been left with out a voice as US politics focuses mainly on the middle class. I don't know what the solution is, but I know more can be done about it than is being done now. While I did list other issues, these are the ones I look at for a candidate the most deeply. By the way, I deeply admire Ms. Briscoe's position on the death penalty. It has been difficult for me to find a candidate that holds that position.

Sincerely, Julie Kimani

fromJulie Kimani
dateWed, Jan 18, 2012 at 8:13 AM
subjectRe: Inquiry

Please forgive my reference to Ms. Briscoe. Your email was delivered to me in the same thread as the response from her campaign and I responded thinking this was from their campaign. A little pregnancy brain at work I'm afraid! John, I've looked at your website and I'm having trouble finding many of these issues directly addressed. So if you could provide me at least with direct links, I would very much appreciate it.

Thank you, Julie Kimani

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