Sunday, March 11, 2012

A discovery about myself

So I'm on day 3 of losing my life for Christ and I've discovered something about myself. That is, I've discovered how deep my addiction with Facebook went. Something interesting or funny, etc. will happen to me and I immediately start thinking about how to phrase it in a status update. I was not even aware that I thought like this until I made that decision to leave Facebook. Now I am a person who loves to share because if I take joy it in something, I want others to share that with me. So I'm left thinking, who am I going to share this moment with and how I am going to do it, now that I'm not on Facebook? But you know what? I don't even remember what those "moments" were anymore. And if I can't remember, then they obviously weren't that important. Which also got me thinking. Do I "talk" too much? Especially about myself? Do I spend so much energy sharing myself with others that I completely overlook the people that I'm sharing with? Proverbs 10:19 says "When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, But he who restrains his lips is wise." I think the transgression I've made here is pride or self involvement. Maybe it's time for me to shut up and listen. Listen and learn what's going on outside of my little "bubble".

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