Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Kimeu cont...

I've really been seeing God working the past 24 hours. A friend of mine emailed to say that they were praying James 1:5 and Phil 4:6-7 for me. Well, I believe both of those prayers have been answered. God has provided direction and peace for us as we seek the best way to help Kimeu. Shortly after I received that email, things just started happening. I was talking to my mom about the situation and she suggested that Kimeu might have dyslexia. Obviously we can't tell from here. I've been suspecting a learning disability (aka, a different learning style!) might be in play here anyway. I asked Patrick about it and he said that he didn't believe there were any resources in Kenya for people with dyslexia, etc. Now I have to say this is the FIRST time Patrick has ever been wrong ;), but thank goodness he was! Googling "dyslexia Kenya" returned several results and I was able to get a few emails out making inquiries about where to have Kimeu evaluated. But the blessings didn't stop there. Here are some ways that God has given us some direction:

  • The call from my mom mentioning dyslexia.
  • A missionary friend in Kenya commented that she knows about resources there for children with special needs AND she knows something about the adoption process out there.
  • A friend from my church in New York emailed me to say that she works for the Learning Disabilities Association and she just happens to be going to Kenya this summer.
Don't forget the ways God has given me peace in this whole thing!

  • A friend here in Orange County knows all sorts of stuff about raising money for the adoption process. This gives me peace of mind that if we end up there, lack of money won't be a closed door.
  • My Aunt emailed me to share a story about how she's found peace in a difficult situation and reminded me that I'm not the only one who cares about Kimeu. God loves him too.
  • In the midst of my prayer time last night, God interrupted me mid-sentence to give me Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." This gives me peace that God loves Kimeu and has good plans in store for him.
  • Knowing how many people are out there praying for Kimeu gives me great hope that this thing will turn out all right.
Thank you everyone so much for your prayers in this matter and your offers of help and knowledge, etc. I have one more prayer request to share with you concerning Kimeu. This one is more of immediate urgency than the other. The prayer request is that he goes home. Patrick's mother doesn't actually know where he is right now. She knows the direction he's in, but doesn't know where to go to find him. Please pray that either God would lead Kimeu to go home or that Patrick's mother will somehow be able to find him and bring him home so that we can help him.

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