Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I have an urgent prayer request. You may have heard Patrick or I talk about Patrick's cousins, Sammy and Kimeu. If you haven't, I'll give you a brief history. Sammy and Kimeu's mother died several years ago. They're father abandoned them and they were living with their grandmother after that. A short while ago, their father came back to care for them only to die shortly thereafter. So Sammy and Kimeu are now orphans. With the financial help of my parents and Patrick's family, we've put them in a private boarding school there in Kenya. Sammy is doing well. Kimeu on the other hand is not. He's been doing poorly in school and started running away. Patrick's mother has continually taken him back to the school. We found out today that he ran away from school for the 5th time. Only this time he only went home long enough to change clothes before running away from there also. Patrick's mother got word that he was seen about 30-40 miles away and that he is working tending cows for some woman. They're still trying to figure that out. Since I first met Kimeu almost 6 years ago now, this boy has been close to my heart. He has such a sweet soul. You can see it just looking in his eyes. My heart hurts for him because I want the best for him, as if he were my own son. My heart's desire is to help this boy succeed in life. To see him thriving! Whether that's by adopting him and bringing him here or getting him the help he needs in Kenya as far as being evaluated for learning disabilities. He is 16 now though, so we are rapidly running out of time if we're going to adopt him. Please take a moment to pray for God to guide us in this matter and to give us success in helping Kimeu. I feel sick to my stomach thinking about this right now and I'm crying over this boy. In my mind, not helping him is not an option, so we need lots of prayer support on this!

Praying James 1:5 on this one! "
But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him."

1 comment:

  1. Praying for your decision... God bless you for taking him in. That would be so amazing!
