Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sometimes God closes the door.

So it had genuinely been my hope to adopt Kimeu. But God has definitively closed the door on this hope. 6 days ago I had emailed the Child Welfare Society of Kenya in order to inquire on adoption laws. Today I received a response.

" The child you would want to adopt has already attained the age of 16 years. According to the US laws on inter-country adoption, it is not possible to adopt a child who is aged 16 and above."

Of course, this breaks my heart. But I know that God's plans for Kimeu are so much better than mine. We will continue to pursue having him evaluated for any learning disabilities. Perhaps get him enrolled in a technical school. We will still do everything we can to give him an opportunity to get an education that will enable him to provide for himself and his future family.

Please continue to pray with us!

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