Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A response from Independent Candidate, Robby Wells

fromRobby Carr Wells
toJulie Kimani
dateMon, Jan 16, 2012 at 6:39 PM
subjectRe: Inquiry

Hello Julie,

Thank you for your e mail. There are several places you can go to see my platform. My website is Once you are there, click on the Gameplan. This is my platform. I am a former college football coach, which is why my platform is called The Gameplan. You can also click on my name for a full bio.
There is another site at You can view my stance on all sorts of issues there.
Also, check out my facebook, twitter, and youtube links on my website.

Robby Wells

fromJulie Kimani
toRobby Carr Wells
dateTue, Jan 17, 2012 at 8:59 AM
subjectRe: Inquiry

Hi Mr. Wells,

To be honest, I was hoping for a little more detail from you. A lot of the issues that I am concerned about are very hard to find information on. Especially euthanasia, the death penalty, that sort of thing. If you don't mind writing me back with some details on your positions or even direct links to pages with that specific information on it, I would really appreciate it. Here is an example of some of the feedback I've received so far, which I've published on my blog.

Thank you for your time Mr. Wells.

Sincerely, Julie Kimani

Response from and to the Party for Socialism and Liberation

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 6:56 PM, <> wrote:
Dear Julie:
Could you explain how these issues are deal breakers? I would be happy to explain ourviews, but also see that they are on our site
John Daly

fromJulie Kimani
dateWed, Jan 18, 2012 at 8:02 AM
subjectRe: Inquiry

Hi John,

I'd be happy to. I hold to a consistent life ethic. For more on information on this you can check out this site: . I am a follower of Christ Jesus and as such believe that all human life from conception to natural death is valuable. Abortion is the MOST important issue to me because I feel like there are millions of human lives that have been denied a voice due to Roe v. Wade. The Death Penalty is also important to me because I feel that every human should be given every opportunity to be redeemed, no matter how horrendous their crimes. It should be God's decision to decide to end a life, not ours. Euthanasia, I struggle with a little because I hate to see anyone in pain. But again I feel that every moment of life is valuable. As far as poverty is concerned, I've experienced poverty first hand and know *some* of the struggles that these people experience. I've learned that there is more poverty in the US than in any other industrialized nation. I strongly feel that this is also a class of people that have been left with out a voice as US politics focuses mainly on the middle class. I don't know what the solution is, but I know more can be done about it than is being done now. While I did list other issues, these are the ones I look at for a candidate the most deeply. By the way, I deeply admire Ms. Briscoe's position on the death penalty. It has been difficult for me to find a candidate that holds that position.

Sincerely, Julie Kimani

fromJulie Kimani
dateWed, Jan 18, 2012 at 8:13 AM
subjectRe: Inquiry

Please forgive my reference to Ms. Briscoe. Your email was delivered to me in the same thread as the response from her campaign and I responded thinking this was from their campaign. A little pregnancy brain at work I'm afraid! John, I've looked at your website and I'm having trouble finding many of these issues directly addressed. So if you could provide me at least with direct links, I would very much appreciate it.

Thank you, Julie Kimani

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tiffany Briscoe and the Boston Tea Party

fromTiffany Briscoe
toJulie Kimani
dateMon, Jan 16, 2012 at 5:01 PM
subjectRe: Inquiry

Dear Ms. Kimani,

I would like to first direct you to our campaign website, which details Ms. Briscoe's positions on most of these issues. Now, we welcome your call for a third party in American politics, as we also believe one is necessary for the future of our nation.

When it comes to these specific issues, here are a few details of Tiffany Briscoe's positions and platform:
  • Abortion. Ms. Briscoe believes the federal government has no business whatsoever in promoting or prohibiting abortion. It is not a constitutionally enumerated power for the central government, and thus wants to end all federal funding of abortion-supporting clinics and organizations. What state and local governments decide to be as their law when it comes to abortion should be respected by Washington.
  • Death Penalty. Tiffany Briscoe is vehemently opposed to the use of the death penalty as a punishment by the government. Capital punishment is wrong as it allows the government to kill people despite the Eighth Amendment of the Bill of Rights. She thus wants to abolish the death penalty on a federal level, even when used by military courts. But she would not interfere with states setting up their own laws on the subject.
  • Euthanasia. Tiffany Briscoe believes this is an individual choice argument and thinks it should not be illegal on a federal level, as long as the patient requested such a treatment. But there again, it has not been a federal issue in the past and should not become one.
  • Poverty. Poverty has been a problem throughout history in virtually all societies. The difference we have noticed in the past few centuries is that the rise of capitalism and entrepreneurship with respect of private property has significantly decreased the poverty rate in the free world and raised the standards of living for the remaining poor. Poverty is not a problem that can be dealt with by redistributing wealth, but rather by allowing free markets and competition to lower prices to everyone and innovate at a faster pace. Ideally, the only thing the federal government should do is end all roadblocks for poor individuals to rise in society and this should be done by ending the war on drugs, minimum wage laws, and allowing an unregulated marketplace to prosper.
  • Faith-Based Initiatives. Because of the several restrictions put on faith-based initiatives under the Bush presidency, Ms. Briscoe does not see them to be a violation of the separation of Church and State. However, the constitutionality of the matter is still dubious as it provides subsidies to individuals, which is not prescribed in the Constitution. However, faith-based initiatives are a better tool than federal and state bureaucracies who mismanage funds way too often. But the ultimate goal of Ms. Briscoe is to end all welfare on a federal level.
  • Gun Control. The Constitution being clear on the matter, Ms. Briscoe wants to repeal all federal legislation regulating or prohibiting the carrying of firearms, from the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act to the National Firearms Act. Yet, the principle of federalism allows state and local governments to put their own regulations were their constitutions to allow such acts.

  • Social Security. Social Security has become an unbearable burden on future generations. Reform is needed as quickly as possible to avoid a possible bankruptcy of the system. But this requires firm conviction and agile handling of the situation. Tiffany Briscoe first wants to raise the eligibility age to 70 for both Medicare and Social Security. She would then end the entitlement of SS and only let those that have earned on average less than $150,000 per year benefit from the program. Third, Ms. Briscoe wants to repeal the 1983 amendments that prohibited state and local governments from opting out of the system, and would also allow all new workers to opt-out of Social Security to invest in private retirement accounts.
More is to be expected in Ms. Briscoe's book, Return to Freedom, which will be published by the end of this month.

P.S. Can you send us the article were you to write it about Tiffany Briscoe on your blog? It would be included on the campaign website.

Thanks again for your interest,
In Liberty,

Briscoe for America

Monday, January 16, 2012

Reform Party

David Collison
toJulie Kimani
dateMon, Jan 16, 2012 at 12:31 PM
subjectReform Party Response
Important mainly because of the words in the message.

Julie, thank you for your questions. What state are you residing in?
Regarding the following issues:
-Death Penalty
-Government Funded Faith Based Initiatives
The Reform Party generally considers those to be social issues which we do not take a national stance on. Our members range from liberal to conservative on these issues and advocate for or against them outside the party structure. We would expect our candidates to focus on our core issues both during their campaign and once elected, even if that means accepting the current status quo on these issues for 4 years until the core problems facing the country are resolved.
Regarding poverty, we take a pragmatic approach. We support a reasonable minimum wage (unlike the Libertarians and Republicans) but we believe all public assistance programs need to have a way to work your way out of them. In the current jobs climate, we realize this is very difficult and again, unlike the Republicans we tend to accept the fact that in extreme circumstances the government has to carry the load so individual citizens don't suffer.
Also with respect to poverty, we understand that our nation's policies the last 2-3 decades have heavily favored the wealthy at the expense of working Americans and the poor. The number of poor have increased as a result. That needs to be fixed.
With respect to gun control, we do not have a clear consensus on that issue. I think most of our members support the right of individual gun ownership, but many seem to accept what they consider reasonable regulation.
With respect to immigration, we generally support legal immigration and oppose illegal immigration on a purely 'rule of law' and economic basis. This leaves the question of what to do about illegal immigrants who are already living in the US and have been for many years. That is a very difficult problem and requires balancing humanitarian considerations, impacts on communities, and the need foster respect for legal processes. As we saw in the 1980s with the Reagan amnesty, simply doing that alone does not address the long term problem and may actually encourage a subsequent surge in illegal immigration. Likewise, mass deportations is neither practical, nor economically feasible, and would be socially traumatic to entire communities. They key is a balanced approach that addresses current illegal immigrants, makes illegal immigration less desireable, increases border security, and holds companies that hire (and exploit) illegal immigrants accountable.
With respect to education, that tends to be a VERY local issue. Some areas, such as mine, have underfunded schools and underpaid teachers who are doing a good job despite some onerous restrictions on how they teach. Other areas have bloated administrative salaries, excessive benefits costs, underperforming teachers, and do-nothing school boards. In general, we believe that a one-size-fits-all approach will not work, because the funding mechanisms and teaching environment are so different from district to district, county to county, and state to state. We believe that teachers who excel should be rewarded and that a quality education is critical to our nation's future. We also believe that college tuitions are out of control.
Social Security has to be saved as a supplemental retirement for those who can not afford to invest otherwise or who fall on hard times. The only way to do that for current and near-retirees is by increasing taxes to cover the money the government 'borrowed' for so many years. That is the only short term solution and any politician who tells you different is simply lying through his teeth. Longer term, we need to set the expectation that people my age (40) and younger should expect to retire later and receive fewer benefits so we can make social security solvent for those who really need it in future years. We also need to make alternatives more attractive to younger generations so they do not rely on Social Security as their primary retirement income but as a backup.
I hope this answers your questions.
David Collison
Chairman, Reform Party National Committee
The Reform Party
Honest Leadership, Real Solutions

Presidential Race 2012 - Third Parties

Tiffany Briscoe Boston Tea Party
Rocky Anderson Justice Party
Peta Lindsay Party of Socialism and Liberation
Stewart Alexander Socialist Party USA
Roseanne Barr Independent
Robert Burck Independent
Terry Jones Independent
Joe Schriner Independent
Robby Wells Independent

TBD..................... Green Party
TBD..................... Libertarian Party
TBD..................... Prohibition Party
TBD..................... Reform Party

Presidential Race 2012 - Asking for answers

from Julie Kimani
to"Tiffany Briscoe, Boston Tea Party",
"Rocky Anderson, Justice Party",
"Peta Lindsay, Party of Socialism and Liberation",
"Stewart Alexander, Socialist Party USA",
"Robby Wells, Independent",
"Green Party",
"Libertarian Party",
"Prohibition Party",
"Reform Party"
dateMon, Jan 16, 2012 at 12:07 PM

Dear Presidential Candidate:

I am fed up with the Republican and Democratic political parties (especially since neither of them come close to representing what is important to me). I fully intend to vote third party this coming election. I am doing my research now, but am having some trouble finding your position on some or all of the following issues. If you would be so kind as to respond with your general positions and/or solutions for these issues. Of course the more information you can provide, the better. Please feel free to include links to a web page if this issue has already been addressed on your site.
  • Abortion
  • Death Penalty
  • Euthanasia
  • Poverty
  • Government Funded Faith Based Initiatives
  • Gun Control
  • Immigration
  • Education
  • Social Security
While there are certainly other issues that are of concern to me, these are my "deal-breakers" in the order of most importance.

Please note: I am also including in this email several political parties which have not yet chosen a candidate.
Also: I will be publishing this email in my blog to share with those who know me as well as all responses I receive.

Thank you in advance for your thoughtful responses.

Sincerely, Julie Kimani