Monday, October 5, 2009

Pregnancy update through 31 weeks

I'm guessing I'm about due to give an update on this pregnancy. It's really not that exciting, which is good! The second trimester treated me well. Other than ALOT of fatigue, it was easy sailing. I attributed the fatigue to being pregnant in combination with chasing a 2 year old around. However it turns out that I had iron deficiency anemia. So the doctor put me on an iron supplement a little over a week ago and the difference in my energy levels is amazing! Suddenly housework is getting done! Which makes my husband happy. ;) Other than that one complication, this pregnancy has been amazingly easy compared to Mwende's. She moves so much that I never have to worry about whether or not she is alive in there. In fact, it is such an easy pregnancy that I find myself forgetting that I am pregnant most of the time! Well, not forgetting, but not really thinking about it all that much. Which I think is creating a problem in the area of preparation. I haven't taken any childbirth classes or really done any preparation other than buying a new carseat. I still need to take a refresher class. (Going to try the Bradley method this time). I need to sort through Mwende's old baby clothes to see what is still usable and what I need to go get. Actually I suspect I will be surprised at how little is usable since Mwende was born in the heat of September and this one will be born in December. Even if we are in California! Oh yeah, I still need to transfer my medical records from Syracuse, NY. Seeing as how its been over a year since we moved here, I guess that is the epitomy of procrastination.

In other news, Patrick possibly has the opportunity to go work with teachers in Kenya at the beginning of the year! I am so excited for him to have this opportunity. I wish with all my heart that we could go with him, but with a newborn that just isn't possible. I also considered sending Mwende with him and having her stay with her Susu while Patrick is working, but I am selfish and want to be there for Mwende's first trip to Kenya. Based on this new information, we decided to go spend Christmas with my parents in New Mexico and I will stay there until Patrick returns from Kenya. So Patrick will fly to Kenya out of Albuquerque and then fly back in to drive us all home. I'm excited about getting to spend Christmas with my family again!

Speaking of driving, there is one more preparation we need to make for the new baby. We need to upgrade to a minivan! Haha. I guess that makes me officially grown up. Seeing as how I'm I mom now, I guess I'm okay with that. We're looking at either a Honda Odyssey or a Dodge Grand Caravan. Obviously we're hoping for the Honda Odyssey, but the trick is finding one we can afford.

I think that is all that's new with us. I'm sure I'm probably forgetting something, but oh well. Happy Autumn everyone!

Friday, July 31, 2009

pregnancy update through 22 weeks

So I've been reminded by a friend that I need to pay more attention to my blog! Haha. Anyyyyway, its high time that I blog a bit on how this pregnancy is going. Especially since I haven't said a word since actually announcing that I am pregnant.

This pregnancy has really flown by for me. The first trimester was hard on me. After the bleeding and threat of miscarriage finally stopped, the "vertical" sickness set in. Which I thanked God for all day long, because it is indicative of a healthy pregnancy. I don't really remember when I stopped feeling sick, but it wasn't the kind where you get nauseous, vomit and then feel moderately better until the next go around. Nope, this was just CONSTANT nausea without the relief of vomiting. I ended up losing 16 lbs before it finally passed. The doctor told me to eat whatever I want whenever I want. Most of the time I was just unable to eat much of anything at all. I still haven't put on any reasonable amount of weight, but at least I've stopped losing weight now. Fortunately for me, God in all His infinite wisdom sent my mother-in-law to take care of Mwende while I was sick. We flew her in from Kenya, East Africa to attend my husband's graduation ceremony and she was able to stay for 2 months. What a blessing! At some point she asked me what I would have done if she hadn't been here. I told her that I wasn't going to think of it, because God planned it all to work out like it did. I was very sad when my mother-in-law finally had to leave on July 1st. Mwende was even more sad than I and still asks for her 'Susu'. She lights up when she has the opportunity to talk to her Susu on the phone and likes to show whomever will look her photograph of her Susu.

Anyway, back to the pregnancy. I started feeling the baby at 12 weeks. I thought I was imagining it at first, but it just kept getting stronger and the doctor assured me that I wasn't crazy. On June 17th (I was 15 wks 5 days), a very kind mid-wife did an ultrasound during my regular monthly appointment so that my mother-in-law could see the baby. (She had never seen an ultrasound before). While the baby didn't move much, we did get to see and hear her heartbeat and observe her having the hiccups and swallowing amniotic fluid. After scanning the ultrasound photographs, I gave them to my mother-in-law to take home with her to Kenya. Oh, almost forgot! At this same appointment, the midwife told us that she was 70% sure that we were having a girl. Since it was still early for gender determination though, we decided to wait to tell anyone until it was confirmed at the official ultrasound on July 14th. Since my mother-in-law already knew though, I went ahead and told my mother. July 14th arrived and so did confirmation that we are having a girl! I am delighted that Mwende will be getting a baby sister. Especially since I'm pretty sure that means that I can talk Patrick into at least one more, since I absolutely HAVE to have a son at some point. All that much closer to my goal of 2 girls and 2 boys. ;)

We moved in the later part of July to an apartment that is cheaper, a bit bigger and closer to work. I was starting to get concerned, because after each long day of working to move us (but leaving all the heavy lifting to Patrick!) I was getting strong period-like cramps. As soon as I felt them I would drop everything and lay down to rest, but it still concerned me. Fortunately, God answered my prayers by increasing our baby girl's energy and allowing me to feel her even more often than usual. About three days ago, I started to think that I might be able to feel her with my hand lying on my stomach. I wasn't sure though. Then yesterday, for sure! Patrick wasn't home, so I called Mwende over and put her hand on my stomach and she was able to feel her sister kick! Now I have to say that Mwende didn't care much and was more interested in digging in my belly button chanting "baby! baby! baby!". But that's okay, it was still fun having her feel her sister. Then this morning Patrick got to feel her for the first time. He showed quite a bit more interest than Mwende did! That being said, the fact that I can feel this baby with my hand somehow makes it more of a reality for me. So now that the it is really sinking in, I am starting to get really excited about meeting her. I even watched TLC's "Baby Story" and "Birth Day" today. It made me shiver in anticipation as I remembered the feelings of going to the hospital to deliver Mwende.

On a side note, yes we have a name picked out for our baby girl. Her name won't be revealed though until she is born and we will introduce her to you all! I'm already calling her by name though, so I hope I don't slip up! Haha.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I'm pregnant!

Hmm, how to start this one? I might as well start from the beginning. On April 3rd, I went for my annual OBGYN appointment. At this appointment I was told that I was pregnant. This was not expected at all, because not only had Patrick and I not been trying, but I had been having some issues to the point where I honestly didn't believe I could get pregnant again. So we were quite shocked (and very happy!). We decided to wait to tell until my parents and Patrick's mom were here in CA at the end of May. I had it all planned out. Mwende was going to come out from a nap in a "I'm the big sister" t-shirt or something to that effect. Needless to say, we didn't wait until then to tell. This past week has been very hard for me. I went to the Emergency Room on Thursday and Saturday for bleeding and cramping. Both times ultrasounds were done and they said that I hadn't miscarried yet, but I was likely to and to go home and rest. On Saturday and again on Monday, they drew blood to measure my HCG hormone levels. The reason being, in a healthy pregnancy these levels are expected to double in a 48 hour period. On Thursday, the levels were at 10,000. On Saturday, the levels were at 14,000. Not even close to having doubled. I saw the OBGYN today for followup and she explained to me that while it is certainly possible for a woman to have a healthy pregnancy with those results, it is rare. She did an ultrasound, telling me that with my hormone levels as they were, she didn't really expect to see any growth. (They had seen the yolk sac in the previous ultrasounds). But praise God in heaven, she did not see what she expected to! We were able to see the baby AND see its beating heart! When she measured it, it measured appropriately for 6 weeks 1 day, which is exactly where I am based on my estimated due date of December 8th. The doctor told me this is all very encouraging (she was actually quite surprised herself!) and that there is strong possibility that I will carry this baby to term normally. (Although of course she can't give any guarantees.) So, Jesus willing, Mwende will be a big sister in early December!

The reason I am sharing this with you so early is because I need your prayers. It comforts me to know that God is in control of all this. I have been praying like crazy and reading the Psalms for comfort. I am praying that His will, not mine be done. But I really really pray that in this case, His will is the same as mine. I am already crazy in love with this happy surprise of a baby and I do not want to lose him (or her)! So please share in our joy as we look forward to another baby in the house, but continue to keep this special little one's safety in your prayers.

(And the reason I am posting this on my blog is so that I can now freely blog about everything I'm feeling!)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The language of love

So, I just recently finished reading "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman. Patrick is reading through it now. Basically it talks about how we all speak different love languages
 and if we don't learn our partner's love language, then their "love tank" will eventually get empty and they won't feel loved. Based on what I learned, I believe that my love language is 'Quality Time'. I'm not really sure what Patrick's is yet. I suspect that it is 'Acts of Service'. I know that it is not 'Gift Giving'! Anyway, the reason that I write this is that I want to share how my husband put me on cloud nine yesterday with what I consider to be an amazing act of love! (Which led to a lot of house cleaning out of love on my part!)

Originally, we were going to go as a family to the La Habra Children's Museum. He now realizes that family time is really important to me, so he agreed to go with us to this event where he would help Mwende plant some flowers. Unfortunately, Mwende got sick. Her energy levels were just as high as ever, but she had a bit of a runny nose and a nasty cough. I didn't want any other kids to get infected, so I suggested we go for an easy hike. Patrick was all for it! So I got all excited and did some research and found a nice trail up in Chino Hills State Park. We finally managed to get out of the house by 2:00ish and spent a good 3 hours hiking. Mwende walked some of the way, but took more joy playing in the dirt.

Here is the real kicker that made me feel sooo loved. I later found out that the Final Four (college basketball tournament) was on tv while we were out hiking. Patrick is obsessed with college basketball. So the fact that he gave up watching his college basketball 'playoffs' to spend time with Mwende and I just blew me away! I feel so loved.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Isaiah Chapter 1

Today I read Isaiah chapter 1. I want to get out what I gleaned from that. In verses 11-20, the LORD says:

""The multitude of your sacrifices--what are they to me?" says the LORD. "I have more than enough of burnt offerings, of rams and the fat of fattened animals; I have no pleasure in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats. When you come to appear before me, who has asked this of you, this trampling of my courts? Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me. New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations--I cannot bear your evil assemblies. Your New Moon festivals and your appointed feasts my soul hates. They have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them. When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you; even if you offer many prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are full of blood; wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight! Stop doing wrong, learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are as crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat from the best of the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword." For the mouth of the LORD has spoken."

This tells me just how badly the LORD my God wants to be in a relationship with me. He wants me to love and obey Him! This is not a god that is satisfied with lip service and religious duties, He wants my whole heart. I can't go to church on Sunday and ignore Him the rest of the week. I can't pray to Him in the morning and continue on with "my" life for the rest of the day. He wants all of me! Not only that, He is just waiting for me to love Him so that He can bless me beyond my wildest dreams! There is no leading a double life where God is concerned. As far as He is concerned, I'm all in or I'm all out. Hot or cold. He doesn't tolerate lukewarm 'Sunday' Christians. I think that I used to be hot hot hot, but somehow, I've regressed to some lukewarm state where He is not always on mind. Time to turn up the heat.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Time to wake up!

In service yesterday, we had a visiting missionary from Kenya come to speak. His message was something that I think I really need to hear. It was really simple. I need to wake up from this spiritual slumber that I'm in and pray to God! The following is Matthew 26:38-45. I've highlighted some of the words. 

38Then he said to them, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.39Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will." 40Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. "Could you men not keep watch with me for one hour?" he asked Peter. 41"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.42He went away a second time and prayed, "My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done." 43When he came back, he again found them sleeping, because their eyes were heavy.44So he left them and went away once more and prayed the third time, saying the same thing. 45Then he returned to the disciples and said to them, "Are you still sleeping and resting? Look, the hour is near, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.

I find also that my spirit is willing, but that my body is weak. I yearn to be so close to God that I am constantly talking to Him, constantly aware of his presence. Somehow though, I never make that time to pray. I never pick up His word and see what He has to say to me today. It seems to me that Jesus was frustrated that his disciples continued to sleep and rest even though He had asked them to watch with Him. I can only imagine that He feels the same frustration with me right now. How am I supposed to raise a daughter who is passionately in love with Jesus if I can't demonstrate that same love? I can't. So, for whatever reason that I have been sleeping thus far, I need to take responsibility for my spiritual life. I thank God that He has put me with a group of other Christian ladies that I can fellowship with. That makes it easier for me, but I have to do it at home too. So if you'll excuse me, I am going to go pick up that dusty Bible!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


My husband and I have been having a bit of a rough time lately. I won't go into details, but I expect that every couple goes through something similar at some point in their marriage. So today, I decided to get out our wedding vows. Some time back I had them printed and framed, but they never managed to make it to the wall. So tonight, I pulled out my pink girly toolkit and hung those vows over the couch! I'd like to share those with you.

Patrick’s Vows

Julie, I am very thankful that God has called you to be my companion and friend. Julie, you know that my desire is to love and serve the Lord throughout my life, and I know that this is your goal as well. I am privileged to take you as my wife today.

I commit myself to help and assist in seeing you become the woman God wants you to be. I promise to lead you through this world with diligence as God gives me wisdom. Most, of all Julie, I promise to continue loving you without reservations as no other man on earth could love you. By God’s grace and power, I will be faithful to you for the rest of my life.

I will seek to protect you and provide for you as Christ does the church. I will care for you and cherish you, always willing to place your interests before my own. I pray that God will enable me to live out these promises, even as He already has, so that Jesus Christ might be glorified. I love you Julie! I pray that you will find comfort in my arms all the rest of our days. 

Julie’s Vows

Patrick, I love you so much. I know that you are a gift from God and I am confident that He has led us to this day, as we become husband and wife. I promise by the grace of God to love you unconditionally. I have seen your love for God and I promise to support and trust your decisions and to submit to your leadership knowing you always seek God’s will.

I promise to be there for you, standing by your side in all kinds of sickness and health, whether we are rich or poor, in the good times and through whatever trials that might come our way. I promise to be worthy of your trust by being trustworthy. I will be faithful and true to you despite the uncertainties of the future. 
Finally I will support you in our ministry together as we seek to know God more intimately and make His name known and loved in the world.

Patrick, I love you and I am looking forward to my life by your side.

Our Vows to God

God we come to you this day promising:

  • To put Christ above all others, even each other.
  • To be a lantern through which your love shines for all to see.
  • To seek your will in all our decision-making.
  • To make time for you every day both together and separately.
  • To constantly strive to bear the fruits of Your Spirit which are: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.
  • To live our lives in service of You and make Your Name known in the world.
  • To keep our eyes focused on Christ and to never forget what You did for us on the cross.

Lord we love You and by Your grace and power, we trust that You will enable us to fulfill these vows.

On reviewing these vows, on my part at least, I don't believe that I have kept them either to Patrick or to God. I haven't always submitted to Patrick's leadership and I don't feel that I've loved him unconditionally either. As for my vows to God. I certainly haven't made time for Him every day and I know that my eyes haven't remained focused on Him.

The reason I write this tonight is because I need to pull up the reigns on my life and evaluate where I am coming up short. I need to live up to these vows that I have made. I pray to God that He will enable me to do so.  

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

So this seems to be the thing to do lately! I will use this blog to log a history of our family and allow people to keep updated on the happenings of the Kimani family. I have to admit that I have another secret blog hidden away where I let all my frustrations out, but this isn't the place for that! I am looking forward to blogging away and many years later, coming back and reminiscing. I hope that if you are reading this that you will enjoy keeping up with what is going on with us.

Enjoy! ~Julie